Friday 25 May 2012

This picture is of a riot policeman who rides past a burning billboard during a national strike in Santiago on August of 2011.  I love this picture because it shows a dramatic situation and the beauty that could have chaos. The fire symbolize the violence and it’s a big question if it`s necessary some kind of violence for social changes; I think that fire is an element that represent the changes of things.

In Chile the fight that started last year is for public education, but last year was a year full of social demands all over the world.  I think that people its awakening of the market`s and politicians power; it’s time for make our dreams true.  There´s no time to wait; the moment is right now.
The picture was taken by Victor Ruiz Caballero who was a “famous” photographer last year; he took a lot of pictures of strikes and marches.

I wait a lot of comments of this picture!

Friday 4 May 2012

Spaghetti with sauce!

My favorite dish is spaghetti with sauce. Ordinary people think that it´s a simple dish, but making good spaghetti with sauce it´s very difficult! When I was a little boy I didn´t like this dish, but with the years I learned to recognize the good things of life.
The ingredients of this dish are spaghetti, tomatoes, salt, oil, meat and oregano. Master cooks use also a bit of sugar.
The origin of this dish is Italy, but there are two version of the origins of spaghetti; Italians and Chinese says that it’s a food of their countries.
I love this dish because it has a lot of flavors and it’s cheap. In my family we are fans of spaghetti with sauce, so we it that dish at least one time at week.
If you are very hungry and you loves eat traditional food, this dish is for you!